Surfing In Sea

Nunc commodo ipsum in diam pulvinar, laoreet tempor tellus molestie. Maecenas blandit sem turpis, nec luctus nunc consequat a. Vestibulum vel justo nunc. In pulvinar tempor malesuada. Curabitur at orci ac leo pretium sagittis. Nam molestie sapien in dolor pretium, porttitor fermentum dolor eleifend. Nulla eget dui commodo, interdum metus nec, tempor felis. Quisque malesuada, […]

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In the 1960’s, President Nasser ordered to build a second dam on the Nile near Aswan, resulting in flooding over 6,200km2 of the Nile Valley to the south, creating one of the largest man-made lakes in Africa. The lake is 550km long and ist shores reach an incredible 7,844km. The fish population of the original […]

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Tombs of El-Alamein

Tombs of El-Alamein are buried in graves that Alafamahor soldiers since World War II at El Alamein in Egypt’s northern coast is divided into parts and sections specific to each country separately, and still visit every year some families of Allied soldiers surviving. Where visitors can to visit the military cemetery Italian and German in the hill outside […]

Sightseeing tours at Nile Cruise

The Temple of Deir El-Bahri The Temple of Deir El-Bahri is one of the most characteristic temples in the whole of Egypt, due to its design and decorations. It was built of limestone, not sandstone like most of the other funerary temples of the New Kingdom period. The Karnak Temple The Temple of Karnak is […]